
4mm Thick Pocket MachiningNON-LITLETTERSIGNSeriesタフライトサイン・Dレター・クリスタルレターの様々な表現方法 65220Logo design Reproduction TechniquesLogo design Reproduction TechniquesPocket Machining with InlayPocket Machining with InlayBevel Machining with InlaysBevel Machining with InlaysJoint Machining (Flush Surface Technique or Counterbored)Joint Machining (Flush Surface Technique or Counterbored)Cross SectionInlayCross SectionInlayCross SectionFlush Surface TechniquePocket machining is the process of cutting out a specified section of material at a fixed depth to create curved or geometric contours and designs. The pockets can be inlaid with different materials for a rich range of expression alongside reduced time and effort in installation.This is a machining technique in which materials of different thicknesses are cut in opposite directions at the same tapered (sloped) angle and fitted together without gaps. This creates three-dimensional steps on the surface for an impressive sign that will outshine regular flat surface prints.While tiny letters, which are difficult to produce with metal signs, can be easily produced with Taff Lite Sign and D-Letter. However, tiny parts run the risk of being lost or falling off. Our joint machining techniques solve such problems. For precise and enhanced reproducibility, Daikan recommends our counterbored machining. While joining sections are typically designed to be flush surface against another, our counterbored joining techniques intentionally creates gaps, by stepping the jointing sections to reproduce the logo.Brand Names, Symbol Marks of Corporate Logos, and Image Characters can be colorful or complex in design. Our high precision processing and application techniques used various types of cut letter signage will transform two-dimensional designs into detailed attentive three-dimensional work of art. Our diverse range of designs and gorgeous colors can be combined with UV direct printing to further expand the range of expression.CounterboredBody: 10mm ThickInlaid Parts: 3mm Thick*Flush Surface Technique without gap is available.Body: 10mm ThickInlaid Parts: 8mm ThickBody: 5mm Thick2mm Thick Counterbored10108Scan the QR code for Website.英語版カタログはQRコードを読み取ってください。Various Appearance of Taff Lite Sign, D-Letter, and Crystal Letter NON-LIT LETTER SIGN Seriesタフライトサイン・Dレター・クリスタルレターの様々な表現方法

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